Welcome to the official website of Dragon1,
The open method of Visual Enterprise Architecture

This website contains information for anyone who wants to work professionally with Visual Enterprise Architecture based on Dragon1. Professionals who want to obtain a certification in Dragon1 and organizations that want to be accredited in Dragon1.

dragon1 EAF diagram

Check out the dragon1.com/resources website. The whole Dragon1 open EA method is published there.

This website contains information, knowledge, supporting materials and products of the open method Dragon1. All knowledge and documents are in place for an introduction.

You will also find information about architects and organizations that will further assist you with training and consultancy services in an effective application of Dragon1.


Dragon1 Checklist Architecture Review

15-11-2013 - The Dragon1 Checklist Architecture Review provides guidance for testing architecture reviews regarding a minimum number of required aspects, as well as that it contains questions for analyzing the quality of the architecture on a general basis. This checklist is part of the Dragon1 Open Standard Architecture Quality Management. As Dragon1 is an open method we would like to get feedback or suggestion to improve the checklist. Send your experiences, comments and suggestions to info@dragon1.org. »

Dragon1 Project Landscape Map

4-11-2013 - On the Dragon1 Resources is an example of a project landscape map. Why should you create as an architect a visualization of the IT / business project itself? What benefits would this have for the owner / steering committee of the project? And how will this visualization support in the decision-making process? The Dragon1 Project Landscape Map can be found on: Dragon1 Project Landscape Map »

Dragon1 Checklist Architecture Principles

22-10-2013 - Architecture principles are used and described, both in practice and in the literature, as guidelines, guiding statements and assumptions. However, according Dragon1 there is another way to work with architecture principes as an enterprise architect within organizations. The Dragon1 Checklist Architecture Principles provides guidance for the formulation of architecture principles, assuring that these principles are of sufficient quality in order to be used in a professional environment. »

New Dragon1 Checklists for carrying out an IT Project audit published

8-10-2013 - Especially for boardroom members and managers but also for IT auditors, two Dragon1 Checklists are published. »

Dragon1 EA Method meets the requirements for method recognition by "The Open Group" Certified Architect Program

10-1-2013 - The Dragon 1 Architecture Foundation proudly announces that Dragon1 has been acknowledged by The Open Group to meet all the requirements for method recognition contained within The Open Group's Open CA Certification program. Consequently, to be Dragon1 EA certified today clearly supports candidates to acquire Open CA certification. »

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